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UPSC Hindi Medium NCERT Books PDF| All Hindi books NCERT pdf download|यूपीएससी के लिए एनसीईआरटी की सभी किताबें| Shikshacamp |Shadow of success
(डाउनलोड) यूपीएससी आईएएस सिविल सेवा (प्रारंभिक और मुख्य), राज्य पीएससी परीक्षाओं के लिए एनसीईआरटी पुस्तकें
(Download) NCERT Books in Hindi for UPSC IAS Civil Services (Preliminary and Mains), State PSC Examinations
Books for UPSC Civil Services Mains Exam in Hindi Medium
These textbooks not only give aspirants insights about every subject but also help them understand the basic functioning of the system. NCERT textbooks are considered as 'holy books' by the UPSC aspirants.
कक्षा 6 (Class VI)
- कक्षा 6: विज्ञान (Class VI: Science)
- कक्षा 6: प्राचीन भारतीय इतिहास (Class VI: Ancient Indian History)
- कक्षा 6: भूगोल (Class VI: Geography)
- कक्षा 6: राजनीति विज्ञान (Class VI: Polity)
Firstly, let us understand the importance of NCERT books for Civil Service Examination. NCERT books can be considered as the basic and first step to kick start your preparation for Civil Service Examination. The language of NCERT books is quite simple and lucid. At the initial stage of preparation when the aspirants are unaware or have very little knowledge of the basic concepts and facts, NCERT is a bible for the aspirants. It makes the concepts easier to grasp and understand. So the aspirant should consider NCERT books as the first step in climbing the ladder of success to clear the examination.
कक्षा 7 (Class VII)
- कक्षा 7: विज्ञान (Class VII: Science)
- कक्षा 7: मध्ययुगीन भारतीय इतिहास (Class VII : Medieval Indian History)
- कक्षा 7: भूगोल (Class VII: Geography)
- कक्षा 7: राजनीति विज्ञान (Class VII: Polity)
कक्षा 8 (Class VIII)
- कक्षा 8: विज्ञान (Class VIII: Science)
- कक्षा 8: आधुनिक भारतीय इतिहास (भाग - III) (Class VIII: Modern Indian History (Part III)
- कक्षा 8: राजनीति विज्ञान (Class VIII: Polity)
- कक्षा 8: भूगोल (Class VIII: Geography)
कक्षा 9 (Class IX)
- कक्षा 9: विज्ञान (Class IX: Science)
- कक्षा 9: भारतीय भूगोल (Class IX: Indian Geography)
- कक्षा 9: अर्थशास्त्र (Class IX: Economics)
- कक्षा 9: राजनीति विज्ञान (Class IX: Polity)
कक्षा 10 (Class X)
- कक्षा 10: विज्ञान (Class X: Science)
- कक्षा 10: भूगोल (Class X: Geography)
- कक्षा 10: अर्थशास्त्र (Class X: Economics)
- कक्षा 10: राजनीति विज्ञान (Class X: Polity)
कक्षा 11 (Class XI)
- कक्षा 11: अर्थशास्त्र (Class XI: Economics)
- कक्षा 11: भूगोल (Class XI: Geography)
- कक्षा 11: इतिहास (Class XI: History)
- कक्षा 11: राजनीति विज्ञान - भाग 1 (Class XI: Polity - Part 1)
- कक्षा 11: राजनीति विज्ञान - भाग 2 (Class XI: Polity - Part 2)
- कक्षा 11: जीव विज्ञान (Class XI : Biology)
- कक्षा 11: समाज शास्त्र - भाग 1(Class XI : Sociology - Part 1)
- कक्षा 11: समाज शास्त्र - भाग 2(Class XI : Sociology - Part 2)
कक्षा 12 (Class XII)
- कक्षा 12: जीव विज्ञान (Class XII : Biology)
- कक्षा 12: अर्थशास्त्र - व्यष्टि अर्थशास्त्र (Class XII: Economics - Microeconomics)
- कक्षा 12: अर्थशास्त्र - समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र (Class XII: Economics - Macroeconomics)
- कक्षा 12: भूगोल - मानव भूगोल के मूल सिद्धांत (Class XII: Geography - Fundamentals of Human Geography)
- कक्षा 12: भूगोल - भारत लोग और अर्थव्यवस्था (Class XII: Geography - India People and Economy)
- कक्षा 12: भूगोल - प्रयोगातमक कार्य: (Class XII: Geography - Experimental Works)
- कक्षा 12: इतिहास - भाग 1 (Class XII: History - Part 1)
- कक्षा 12: इतिहास - भाग 2 (Class XII: History - Part 2)
- कक्षा 12: इतिहास - भाग 3 (Class XII: History - Part 3)
- कक्षा 12: राजनीति विज्ञान - समकालीन विश्व राजनीति (Class XII: Political Science - Contemporary World Politics)
- कक्षा 12: राजनीति विज्ञान - स्वतंत्र भारत में राजनीति (Class XII: Political Science - Politics in India Since Independence)
- कक्षा 12: समाज शास्त्र - भाग 1(Class XII : Sociology - Part 1)
- कक्षा 12: समाज शास्त्र - भाग 2(Class XII : Sociology - Part 2)
DOWNLOAD NCERT Mathematics Hindi Medium for CSAT Class wise (COMING SOON)
The approach to read NCERT books efficiently should be subject wise and syllabus wise and not chapter wise. Look at the syllabus, prepare a schedule of topics to be covered and do a systematic reading of NCERT books accordingly from class 6th to 12th for all subjects. NCERT books builds up the base for Civil Service Examination preparation. It builds a strong foundation for further preparation. Once the aspirant gets conceptual clarity on the topics, he/she will be ready for further advance readings. If the foundation itself is weak, there is no meaning to build up upon it. Hence it is very necessary that before building further up, the aspirant builds the foundation very strong, which will definitely lead him/her to success.
The time that is required to complete all NCERT books differ from individual to individual based on their understanding and grasping power. Usually on an average all NCERT books should be completed in 3-4 month’s time. Try to make crisp notes from NCERT books so that you can use them later as quick revision instead of reading whole book again and again.
DOWNLOAD English Medium NCERT books for UPSC (Coming Soon)
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